# The Great Reboot I haven't really did anything with this blog in the last 1 year. I have my excuses, in form of a 2 years old toddler who refuse to go to sleep before 10:00PM. Judge me as a parent as much as you like... I take over my kiddo, from my wife as soon as I finish my workday. This literally means stepping out of my room at 5:00 - 5:30 PM (a.k.a pandemic WFH). Bath time is at 8:00PM, bed time is at 9:00PM and I am staying next to him until he falls asleep. Then I might have an hour to talk with my wife before she goes to sleep. After that, I am trying to catch up with my hobbies - like side projects or learning. In 2021 November I used that time to prepare to my CKA and CKS exams - both of which I managed to achieve. * [Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)](https://www.credly.com/badges/d4e12718-a80b-4683-9c57-1e59fcdf8aea)​ * [Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS)](https://www.credly.com/badges/81f04758-c9f6-4ec5-a501-fd48de7b3d57)​ So those being dealth with, I have decided to give this blog another shot. Starting with a new design. Here is the mandatory before/after picture: {{< image src="before-after.png" caption="Before/After" >}} So my plan is to produce at least 1 article per month... I'm just trying to be realistic here. I hope my posts will be useful for someone out there.